Blue Radiofonografo RR226 by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni
USD 14,645
Ships in 8-9 weeks
Founded in 1945 by Giuseppe Brion and Leone Pajetta, Brionvega is an iconic Italian electronics company renowned for its innovative vision, distinctive style, and top-tier technology. Their designs are cult classics, admired by art collectors and celebrities in both museums and old-school Italian homes alike. Reborn today thanks to SIM2, a leading Italian audiovisual company, Brionvega’s timeless pieces will once more bring the joy of music, radio, and crystal-clear entertainment to your home.
Enhancing and promoting the ART PRODUCT BRIONVEGA cult and the excellence of design MADE in ITALY in the world
Over the course of 60 years of life in Italian design, the Brionvega company has worked with the most famous and innovative designers of the contemporary scene, producing timeless iconic objects that have furnished the history of the 20th century and that, thanks to the recognition of scholars and art and design museums and books, have taken on the role of true objects of ART.
Over the last twenty years, the SIM2 group has dedicated itself, also through its wholly owned subsidiary based in MILAN, BV2 Srl, to rebuilding the foundations and structure of this legendary company: small in the world of consumer electronics, but extraordinarily important for the development and diffusion of that Italian art and MADE IN ITALY that is not only form, but real culture and substance of life of Italian design.
BV2 has reorganized the technical study and design, developed the research and training of skilled craftsmen, recreated the marketing structure, and in all other departments the staff is united by a very strong passion for these extraordinary objects: the BRIONVEGA ART PRODUCTS.
USD 14,645
Ships in 8-9 weeks
USD 22,000
Ships in 8-9 weeks
USD 510
Ships in 1-2 weeks
USD 14,645
Ships in 7-8 weeks
USD 17,395
Ships in 7-8 weeks
USD 510
Ships in 1-2 weeks
USD 14,645
Ships in 7-8 weeks
USD 20,140
Ships in 7-8 weeks
USD 510
Ships in 1-2 weeks
USD 510
Ships in 1-2 weeks
USD 12,805
Ships in 7-8 weeks
USD 510
Ships in 1-2 weeks
Founded in 1945 by Giuseppe Brion and Leone Pajetta, Brionvega quickly became an iconic Italian el…