About Artemest

3D Printed Décor

Discover artful furniture and décor pieces made with cutting edge technology that keeps sustainability at its heart. Within this collection you’ll find a mix of futuristic and classic vases by Alessandro Zambelli and Sabrina Sguanci Baroni, along with modern furniture by Medaarch and more.

Alberta Carandente takes advantage of the possibility to work with an irregular material to give a tactile experience though her pieces. To create them she uses PLA, a material derived from biodegradable sources.

​Fornice Objects specializes in material research and together with the latest generation of 3D printing technologies, they create unique and modern objects, including lamps and vases, made of organic materials such as resin and hemp.

Also known as additive manufacturing, the process 3D printing entails the production of three-dimensional objects from a digital file. It is considered a sustainable technology due to its capability to use less material than traditional manufacturing methods as well as its ability to use biodegradable raw materials.

​Pop Pot creates colorful vases inspired in the Ancient Roman amphoras, that are handcrafted using 3D printing techniques and sustainable materials made of corn starch and recycled plastic.
