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Luce Tu Lighting

Dom Black Brass And Glass Pendant Lamp

1.900 EUR
Envío en 7-8 semanas
Dom Black Brass And Glass Pendant Lamp - Vista principal

Dom is a collection where simplicity and sophistication come together in a perfect union. Borosilicate glass, brass and stone spheres combine to give the lamp character and sophistication. A tribute to the symbol of Milan, the Duomo, where craftsmanship is expressed in every element: from the marbles, to the statues, to the poetry of its imposing stained glass windows.

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Hecho a mano para usted en Italia en 7-8 semanas
Envío a España: €90 (Entrega en la acera)
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Detalles del producto

MaterialBrassDimensions (cm)W 16 x D 16 x H 46Referencia del productoLUCEMB-096Hoja impresa

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