La Sartoria del Marmo by Lombardi Marmi
Euphoria Table Lamp in Alabaster
USD 690
Ships in 3-4 weeks
World-renowned for its deft craftsmanship with prized Botticino Classico marble, Sartoria del Marmo by Lombardi Marmi is an institution in the industry: in fact, the majestic Altare della Patria in Rome is one of their monumental works. Founded in 1815 by Giovita and Gianbattista Lombardi, the company was at the forefront of innovative methods used in Brescia’s fine quarries. Now managed by the sixth generation Virginia and her son Davide, the company is defined by excellent production standards and cutting-edge design models.
From the quarry to your environment
The Lombardi family has been in the marble business since as far back as 1815, and from this ancient experience it draws the skills to run the company to the best of its ability over the years.
Founded in the first half of the 19th century by the skill of two great sculptors, the brothers Giovita and Gianbattista Lombardi, it has gradually expanded its activities.
Drawing on the family tradition and availing itself of the skill of its collaborators, it has made the charm of Botticino Classico known throughout the world in extraordinary achievements. From the early 19th century to the present day, the Lombardi family has owned quarries and machinery for quarrying and processing marble.
The entrepreneurs Davide and Carlo Lombardi, the second and third generation of the family, were among the forerunners in the use of innovative methods of quarrying in the Brescian mountain area, and developed a practical and artistic knowledge that was unique in this sector.
Sartoria del Marmo by Lombardi Marmi is led today by Dr. Virginia Lombardi and her son Davide, who carry on the family tradition now in its sixth generation. The company's historicity can be seen in the major projects carried out over the years, such as the entire supply and installation of the Altar of the Fatherland in Rome, Italy's most imposing and representative monument and its own greatest source of pride.
The work of Sartoria del Marmo by Lombardi Marmi is carried out under different trade channels, from raw material in blocks to the supply of slabs up to turnkey projects.
Sartoria del Marmo by Lombardi Marmi is present and active in several foreign markets where it particularly cares for the research of various materials in addition to its own Botticino, being, as quarry owners, facilitated in direct relations with other quarries and companies, to which they often supply their material.
Since 2012 they have been officially chosen by the British Common Welth, following several tests of professionalism and processing technique, as suppliers of the British Fallen Headstones.